Location: Trivandrum, Kerala, India

humorous, fun loving, homely kinda guy.. to top it all... I'm married to this awesome lady... lucky me!

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Restored Soul

Sometimes through our journey of life we come across this bump in the road that shakes up our life so damn badly that it shakes the very foundation on which we have built it. We go through life as we would flip through a book... thinking that after each page lies another page waiting to be flipped... that life will go on as it has till now. But in the lives of a chosen few, life isn't always as smooth as flipping through a book... as some of the pages in their book seem torn off... ripped out permanently. All that such people have is to flip through the fine smooth pages they carelessly flipped away in the past and cherish each moment passed... digging up memories long forgotten so as to remind themselves that life wasn't always as dark as it now is... there were happy times...
But to dwelve on the past is meaningless... and to spend one's life there would be an utter waste... but wise is he who gathers strength from the darkness and gloom to turn the pages that lay ahead of him... for from then on he is free from all fear.. as he can turn through life's pages with courage and a determined spirit... a spirit that has gone through the fire and has come out refined... restored. For a restored spirit is far better... no... far greater than a whole body!! For what profit is the flesh which will perish and wither away... it is a higher call to have a restored spirit that will live on through eternity...
My body may fail... my bones may crack... I may be plagued by spasms of pain... my vision might falter... but my soul will live on... for it will not faint or grow weary... life's bumps and holes may try to crush it but my soul will be victorious for I draw my strength form the one who has given it to me... the Author and Restorer of my soul.
M y Saviour and my King!!